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Are all companies listed on the London Stock Exchange PLCs?

All companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) are PLCs. In the United States, a corporation is similar to a limited company, using the suffix inc. (incorporated) or corp. (corporation). Some states in the U.S. do permit the use of Ltd. (limited) after a company name.

What is a limited company?

Ltd. is a standard abbreviation for "limited," a form of corporate structure available in countries including the U.K., Ireland, and Canada, and appears as a suffix after the company name. Limited companies limit the liability of a corporate loss to the business and do not impact the private assets of owners or investors.

What is a public limited company (plc)?

Public limited companies (PLCs) are commonly used in the U.K. and some Commonwealth countries. The mandatory use of the PLC abbreviation after the company's name serves to instantly inform investors or anyone dealing with the company that the company is public and probably fairly large.

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